I decided that I didn’t want to veil, My mom said she would disown me.

I’m the daughter of a conservative family. I was brought up with religious teachings; of course, it felt like it was the only truth at the time because you don’t see anything different.

I was veiled in high school due to my own will, my family, and the environment. A few years later, my perspective changed. On some issues, I realized how intolerant and oppressive my family and some of the people around me call themselves religious. Exposure to threat and psychological pressure in any slightest opposition has increased.

I decided that I didn’t want to veil. My mom said she would disown me.

For her, taking off the headscarf and walking naked was on the same scale. I closed the issue of taking off the headscarf so that we don’t get bored anymore. Now I’m studying outside the city. I took off the headscarf when I go there. I wish they knew how to respect and didn’t make me do this.

Religiosity does not impose religion on others. Goodness is not desired by breaking psychology. I believe that if we support each other, we will be much stronger.

Hope to see the days every woman can live the way she wants.

(Image: Margaret Burroughs)

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