I feel like I live in Saudi Arabia when I live in Germany.

It gives me a sense of comfort that this page shows that I’m not alone. I feel like I live in Saudi Arabia when I live in Germany. My family is religious; my neighborhood is even more religious. Only Turks live in my neighborhood; everyone thinks the same. No one here is over 11 years old and doesn’t wear a hijab. Sexism and misogyny have drummed into people’s minds, like in the era of ignorance, that even women find it right.

I decided to give up wearing a hijab in my first year of college. It was a wish I’ve felt over the years, but I didn’t have the courage, and I was terrified. Four years ago, my fears suddenly disappeared, and I told my parents I wanted to give up wearing a hijab. They reprimanded me badly. I heard the most disrespectful and immoral form of insults. I was threatened with getting kicked out of the house, and I was told I’d be wrong if I left the house. I haven’t worn the hijab since the day I told them about my decision. I’m just wearing a hijab when I’m in my neighborhood. My parents don’t accept me without a headscarf. No matter where you live, the mindset is essential. Worst of all, my parents always think my German friends, school, university, and Western civilization affect me. They think girls have lost their personalities just because they’re not what they want. They don’t want to understand that’s exactly what their personality is.

(Image: Rachel Baes)

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